
Bergstrom H.C., McDonald C.G., Dey S, Fernandez G.M., Johnson L.R. (2013) Neurons activated during fear memory consolidation and reconsolidation are mapped to a common and new topography in the lateral amygdala. Brain Topography, In press. 
Full Publication

Bergstrom H.C., McDonald C.G., Dey S, Tang H, Selwyn R.G., Johnson L.R. (2012). The structure of Pavlovian fear conditioning in the amygdala. Brain Structure and Function. In press.
PMID: 23179863
Full Publication

McGuire, J. Coyner, J. Johnson , L. R. (2012). Rodent Models of Conditioned Fear: Behavioral Measures of Fear and Memory. In TRP Channel Targets for Drugs and Toxins. Eds. Arpad Szallasi and Tama Biro eds. Humana Press New York, NY. In press.
Johnson L.R., McGuire J., Lazarus R., Palmer A.A. (2011) Pavlovian Fear Memory Circuits and Phenotype Models of PTSD. Neuropharmacology.
Full Publication

Prager E.M., Bergstrom H.C., Grunberg N.E., Johnson L.R. (2011) The Importance of Reporting Housing and Husbandry. Front. Behav. Neurosci. 5:38. doi:10.3389/fnbeh.2011.00038
Full Publication

Johnson L.R., Hou M., Prager E.M., LeDoux J.E. (2011) Regulation of the fear network by mediators of stress: Norepinephrine alters the balance of excitatory drive form Cortical and Subcortical afferents to the lateral amygdala. Front. Behav. Neurosci. 5:23. doi: 10.3389/fnbeh.2011.00023
Full Publication

Bergstrom H.C., McDonald C.G., Johnson L.R. (2011) Pavlovian fear conditioning actiates a common pattern of neurons in the lateral amygdala of individual brains. PLoS One, January, Volume 6, Issue 1, e15698.
Full Publication

Johnson L.R., and LeDoux J.E. (2010) Amygdala Microcircuitry. In Brain Microcircuits, Shepard G., Oxford University Press (invited book chapter, Eds, Shappard and Grillner).
Full Publication

Ursano R.J., Goldenberg M., Zhang L., Carlton J., Fullerton C.S., Li H., Johnson L., Benedek D. (2010) Posttraumatic stress disorder and traumatic stress: from bench to bedside, from war to disaster. Ann NY Acad Sci. 2010 Oct; 1208:72-81.Review.
PMID: 20955328

Prager E.M., Brielmaier J, Bergstrom H.C., McGuire J., Johnson L.R. (2010) Localization of mineralocorticoid receptors at Mammalian synapses. PLoS One. Dec 15; 5(12): e14344.
PMID: 21179518
Full Publication

Prager E.M., Johnson L.R. (2009) Stress at the Synapse: Signal Transduction Mechaism of Adrenal Steroids and Neuronal Membranes. Science Signaling Vol 2, (86), re 5. PMID: 19724063
Full Publication

Johnson L.R. (2009) The Micro Anatomy of Fear; Circuits Underlying Fear Acquistion and Extinction. Cell Science Reviews. Vol 5. No. 3.

Johnson L.R., LeDoux J.E., Doyere, V. (2009) Hebbian Reverberations in Emotional Memory Micro Circuits. Frontiers in Neuroscience, Vol 3, (2) pp198-205.
PMID: 20011142
Full Publication

Ursano R.J., Zhang L., Li H., Johnson L.R., Carlton J., Fullerton C.S., Benedek D.M. (2009) PTSD and traumatic stress: From gene to community and bench to bedside. Brain Research.
PMID: 19328776

Johnson L.R., Hou M., Gribelyuk L.M., Alphs H.H., Ladisalu A., Brown B., LeDoux J.E., Doyere V. (2008) A Recurrent Network in the Lateral Amygdala: a Mechanism for Temporal Concidence Detection. Frontiers in Neural Circuits.
PMID: 19104668
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